Even though Europeans technically invented the first automobile, Americans were not to be left behind. We quickly dominated the automobile market, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, thanks to Henry Ford’s invention of mass-production techniques. With motor vehicles becoming the new way of transportation, gasoline was becoming a necessity.

Enter Texas Oil Company

In 1901, Joseph S. Cullinan, a former Standard Oil worker and Arnold Schlaet, a New York investment manager, joined forces to create Texas Oil Company. Intending to buy and sell refined oil, mainly to Standard Oil interests in the north, the two quickly expanded into oil production. Within 3 decades, Texas Oil became the first company to market in the contiguous 48 states.

So What IS Texaco?

As the company grew, the nickname “Texaco” became the name by which customers knew the brand. A salesman had seen the shortened name on a telegram, and it stuck. In 1959, Texaco became the official corporate brand name. In addition, the classic “T” in a star logo became globally recognized as Texaco grew to one of the largest oil companies of the late 20th century. As a native Texan, I have bought many a gallon of gas at Texaco stations, so this piece is another favorite of mine.

About the Piece

This Texaco station piece was created for anyone who appreciates the art and wants to hang it on their wall. Perfect for enjoying at home or in your shop. With the precision of a rendering, this piece could easily pass for one. Bring this piece to your space by visiting our Gallery.

About the Artist

Ray Elliot is the creator of this particular piece, and is a retired architect and designer based out of Georgia.