“This is the power of art: The power to transcend our own self-interest, our solipsistic zoom-lens on life, and relate to the world and each other with more integrity, more curiosity, more wholeheartedness.” Maria Popova

There is something magical about viewing art. Whether in a museum, in a gallery, or even in someone’s home, experiencing art has a positive effect on us.

Art Makes Us Better Humans

Even though information is readily at our fingertips, we cannot fully grasp what it was like to live hundreds or thousands of years ago. We have no idea what it is to live in a culture completely different from our own. However, there is a way that people can begin to understand these different lifestyles- art.

When sent on a one-hour field trip to an art museum, over 10,000 students left changed. Specifically, their critical thinking skills were strengthened. In addition, they showed increased historical empathy and tolerance of different cultures. What is most notable to me is that their taste for consuming art and culture was enriched. With art classes being cut in schools, this study shows that art can be a crucial element for self-improvement and societal improvement.

Viewing Art is Like Falling in Love

Another interesting discovery about art’s benefits is that viewing art affects the brain in the same way that falling in love does. Art lovers everywhere could have told you that, but nonetheless, it does help to have a study to prove it. By mapping the brains of several volunteers, neurobiologist Semir Zeki discovered that “viewing art triggers a surge of the feel-good chemical dopamine, into the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain, resulting in feelings of intense pleasure.” While this research is pretty cool on its own, the implications of how art can be used in different contexts to improve the mental health and well-being of the general public are exciting to think about.

Improve Your Own Well-Being

If you are looking for the perfect piece to begin your own collection or add to it, visit our GALLERY. We have beautiful, original pieces by Raymond Loewy and several other artists that will brighten up your day.