Bob Stoffel, Dashboard Study. Circa 1947.

The Mid-Century Concept Car and the Lost Art of Formal Craftsmanship

Concept cars are about dreaming big and discovering what’s possible in the automobile world. However, current car manufacturers are creating concept cars that are all about speed and environmental friendliness while using computer technology. Conversely, automobile design in the mid-century was all about designing a grand, space-age futuristic vehicle with the artist’s personal skill and…

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Texaco: Fueling Adventure for Over 100 Years

Even though Europeans technically invented the first automobile, Americans were not to be left behind. We quickly dominated the automobile market, especially in the first half of the twentieth century, thanks to Henry Ford’s invention of mass-production techniques. With motor vehicles becoming the new way of transportation, gasoline was becoming a necessity. Enter Texas Oil…

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The Gremlin: Detroit’s First Minicar

With small imports taking over the subcompact car scene in 1970, American Motors decided to roll out a car that was not only small but stylish. They decided on a design, a silhouette that would become The Gremlin. While stylish isn’t usually the word people use to describe a Gremlin, it certainly was unique. Interesting…

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Cutlass Supreme: Memories

Cars have a way of making a deep impression on your life. When you see a particular car out on the road, your mind is flooded with recollections. Whether it was your very first car, the car you drove on your first date, or the car you hauled your friends around in, cars hold a…

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