drawings Archives - Form Function Art https://formfunctionart.com/tag/drawings/ Original 20th Century Art Pieces Mon, 18 Mar 2019 20:33:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://formfunctionart.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/cropped-favicon-32x32.png drawings Archives - Form Function Art https://formfunctionart.com/tag/drawings/ 32 32 Why Lithographs Make the Perfect Addition to Your Collection https://formfunctionart.com/lithographs-in-your-collection/ Sun, 03 Mar 2019 18:22:35 +0000 https://formfunctionart.com/?p=4043 As you create your personal art collection, adding original pieces is critical. The mastery and skill used to create these pieces are what draws you in, but sometimes the price of original pieces can be a shock to the system. Luckily, there is a way to add originals to your collection without the hefty price…

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As you create your personal art collection, adding original pieces is critical. The mastery and skill used to create these pieces are what draws you in, but sometimes the price of original pieces can be a shock to the system.
Luckily, there is a way to add originals to your collection without the hefty price tag. Lithographs are a more affordable option to add that unique piece without going over budget.

So What Exactly Is a Lithograph?

Lithographs are prints created by making use of the fact that grease and water are immiscible, or they don’t mix. An artist uses a greasy pencil or litho crayon to draw directly onto a stone or metal plate. The artist prepares a separate stone or plate for each color in the finished lithograph. The plate is then treated with a chemical, etching the surface where the greasy pencil wasn’t used. When moisture is applied to the plate or stone, the etched areas retain the moisture, allowing oil-based ink to be applied and only stick to the drawing. The ink is then transferred to paper, creating a one-of-a-kind lithograph. Because it isn’t possible to register each color perfectly, the final result is a unique print with subtle differences between each one produced.

But Won’t All of the Copies Look The Same?

Not exactly. Each lithograph has minute differences based on the application of the ink for each run.

Are Lithographs Original Pieces?

Without a doubt, yes. When you purchase a lithograph from a trusted art dealer, you can be sure you are getting an original piece. The artist will draw directly onto the plate used to create the lithograph, then approve and sign each one. There are limited quantities made, which makes them even more valuable.

If you are looking for the perfect piece to begin, or add to, your own collection, visit our GALLERY. We have beautiful, original lithographs by Raymond Loewy and several other artists.

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3 Simple Ways to Start an Art Collection https://formfunctionart.com/ways-to-start-an-art-collection/ Sun, 17 Feb 2019 19:03:40 +0000 https://formfunctionart.com/?p=3894 For most people, art collecting is a reflection of how they see the world or their own personal experiences. Some people like to purchase art as souvenirs when traveling around the world, while others use art as an investment to supplement their income as they age. For all collectors, great art cultivates a richness in…

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For most people, art collecting is a reflection of how they see the world or their own personal experiences. Some people like to purchase art as souvenirs when traveling around the world, while others use art as an investment to supplement their income as they age. For all collectors, great art cultivates a richness in our lives, leading us to observe and experience life differently.

I did not intend to become an art collector, and I would not call myself an expert in any particular field of art. However, I do value and appreciate original works of art in various mediums. Watercolors, bronzes, etchings, woodcuts, blown glass, auto concept illustrations, industrial design, and architectural renderings all evoke in me a sense of wonder, because each piece began in a person’s imagination, resulting in a unique expression that can be shared or used as a template for creating a structure.

Recognize Your Taste

To begin an art collection, you must know yourself and your personal tastes. Don’t be swayed by the preferences of other art collectors. If you enjoy a particular style of art, whether it is impressionist or modern, it’s an emotional experience- your experience. Which style brings out your emotions? Also, by narrowing your focus down to a particular style, you will build better relationships with trusted dealers and artists.

Understand Your Space

Whether your new art collection will be displayed at home or in a brick and mortar gallery, knowing your space is essential. What sort of feel does your space have- is it clean and modern, or does everything artfully clash? Do you have the physical space for a large installation? Will your walls accommodate smaller paintings or large pieces? Knowing this information can simplify the purchasing process.

Do Your Research

Remaining educated and informed is an art collector’s superpower. Read up on preferred styles and artists, and know the market for each. You can both improve small talk at boring dinner parties, and find a deeper understanding of your art. This type of continuous learning will not only help you stay up to date on the latest shows and trends in the art market, but will help you make smarter buying decisions. Great art can be a big investment and can appreciate in value, which is especially important if your collection will serve as supplemental income.

Investing in and sharing beautiful, historical drawings has become my passion. Some of my most prized drawings are created by Industrial designers like Raymond Loewy and George Dahl. Old gas stations and movie theaters are also favorites, so I purchased several original renderings by Vincent Raney. Whatever your taste, whatever your passion, your art collection should be just that- yours.

If you appreciate industrial, automotive, and architectural art as I do, then I invite you to take a look at our gallery!

The post 3 Simple Ways to Start an Art Collection appeared first on Form Function Art.
